Blog - Latest In The Digital Marketing World | Digital Puzzle


Why Digital Puzzle is the #1 Digital Marketing Agency for Growth-Focused Businesses

But with so many options for digital marketing, how do you know which company is the best to propel your business forward? Look no further than Digital Puzzle – the premier digital marketing agency that delivers unparalleled results for its clients. So what makes Digital Puzzle stand out from the rest? Here are the top […]

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The Power of FAQs Enhancing the E-commerce and Small Business Experience

Introduction: In the competitive landscape of e-commerce and small businesses, standing out and gaining customer trust is paramount. One effective way to achieve this is by implementing a well-crafted Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on your website. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of FAQs for e-commerce and small businesses, and how […]

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Key Considerations for E-Commerce Success in 2023 A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: The world of e-commerce continues to evolve rapidly, and staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. As we step into 2023, e-commerce businesses must adapt to emerging trends, changing consumer behaviors, and evolving technologies to maintain a competitive edge. In this blog post, we will explore the key considerations and strategies that […]

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Unlocking the Power of AI How Your Best Content is Discovered

In today’s digital age, content marketing has become an essential tool for businesses looking to attract and retain customers. However, creating great content is only half the battle – the other half is ensuring that your content is reaching and engaging your target audience. In today’s fast-paced digital age, content marketing has become a crucial […]

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10 Proven Strategies for Crafting a High-Converting Landing Page

A landing page is a critical element of any digital marketing strategy. It’s the first page a visitor sees after clicking on an advertisement or search result, and its primary purpose is to convert that visitor into a lead or customer. A well-designed landing page can make a significant difference in the success of your […]

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Revolutionising Conversational AI: How ChatGPT is Transforming the Future of Technology

Almost everyone has a different viewpoint on ChatGPT AI and the nature of work in the future. Artificial intelligence and chatbots have been hot subjects for a while, but ChatGPT, unquestionably the pinnacle of sophisticated chatbots, has taken the online world by storm and is revolutionizing the way we work! Imagine raising doubts regarding the […]

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Upcoming Digital Marketing Trends in 2023 For Local Businesses!

In 2023, digital marketing is likely to continue evolving and becoming more sophisticated. Some trends that may become more prominent include: the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to personalize and optimize marketing campaigns, increased use of video content, the continued growth of social media marketing and influencer marketing, greater emphasis on customer data […]

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How to Build a Digital Marketing Strategy for E-commerce in 2023 | Digital Puzzle | Best Digital Marketing Agency in Kolkata

A business can be grown properly with a well thought strategy. Digital Marketing has become an inevitable part of companies wanting to go online with their brands. We have seen many roller coaster rides since the pandemic hit us. Since more people are crowding online for their essentials and other types of necessities, companies are […]

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Why Data is Important in Digital Marketing |Digital Puzzle| Best Digital Marketing Agency in Kolkata

Data plays a pivotal role in digital marketing because everything is linked to each other. Nowadays, the consumer journey needs data to know the source of your clients, the lead generation source, the type of information that is resonating with them, and the general buying cycle for your organization.  How to collect data with the […]

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Digital Marketing Strategy to follow in 2023 | Best Digital Marketing Agency in India

What is a digital marketing strategy:  A digital marketing strategy is a program for founding an impressive presence over the internet through online channels like organic search, social media, paid ads, and other web mediums like your website. Digital marketing strategies aim to improve brand awareness and entice new customers to your brand.  Reasons why […]

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How to do Local SEO in 2023 | Best Digital Marketing Company in Kolkata

Local SEO is a strategy regarding search engine optimization that assists your business to be more visible in local search results on search engines. Any company having a physical location can gain from local SEO. Evolution is always happening in SEO. Previously, local businesses have frequently managed to get away without knowing the latest advancements […]

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How digital marketing is helping small businesses | Digital Puzzle Best Digital Marketing Agency In Kolkata

Introduction:  Marketing and advertising took a lot of change over the past few decades. A few years back, the promotion of businesses was done through advertising in newspapers and magazines, radio and television commercials, and many other expensive modes of advertising. However, technology has changed rapidly over the past years, and those marketing and advertising […]

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Why A Business needs digital marketing

Digital Marketing is very important because it helps to connect businesses to their potential customers when they are online and is the most effective service in all industries. By providing companies with outstanding growth and outreach strategies, online marketing is a tool that has changed the face of modern business. Every business needs digital marketing, […]

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7 Cardinal Points to Build a Successful Business Empire

Building your own business sometimes seems to look like a fairytale right? It furnishes you with all the sovereignty, wealth, you’ll be your boss, you can fix your timing, according to your choice, etc. But you know what, every year several individuals raise with their startup ideas but by the end, only a few can […]

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Accelerate your Business Growth through the Power of Podcasting!

There has been an implementation of numerous products and technologies in business. With various factors of businesses transforming every day with the changing customer requirements and market demands, these tools have driven out to be the necessities to survive in this highly competitive market. Podcasting is one of these modern technologies and a worthwhile transformation […]

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Give Your Website a Successful Makeover with These 7 Power-Packed Rebranding Steps

A company’s brand is more than a name or an attractive logo design. A good brand will build its reputation, and solidify its position in the marketplace. In essence, if it differentiates you from other companies, it’s a part of your brand. Rebranding means taking the business in a new direction. It’s about getting on […]

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10 Sigma Physiques to Drive More Traffic through Pinterest

Pinterest is one of those outlets that many small business owners and bloggers overlook. This is often due to the illusion that the platform is only used for looking up recipes and home décor ideas. However, there are various other blog corners, such as fitness, DIY, finance, parenthood, tech, relationships, and coding that are too […]

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7 Eye-Opening Tactics To Maximize Your Content Reach

There are multiple factors to the puzzle of content marketing. Of course, it’s important to research your targeted audience and create high-quality, relevant content. But it’s also substantial not to forget about your content reach.Once you have created and posted a new piece of content, your job is not done! You have to promote that […]

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Competitive Analysis: A Go-to Guide for Marketing Managers

Even if you know your audience, examine multiple marketing strategies and communication tactics, and point out your best practices, your efforts can still elicit poor results if you don’t benchmark against and learn from your competition. This is why competition analysis is an essential process. In this guide, we will take you through an actionable […]

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Top 5 B2C Marketing Trends to look out for in 2022

B2C or business-to-consumer marketing implies the tactics and techniques in which firms emphasize products and services to individuals. This marketing focuses on creating, advertising, and peddling products or services for customers to use in their daily lives. In this digital era, business-to-customer marketers require to be data-driven, technology-heavy and concentrated on meeting the exact needs […]

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Say Yes to all the Out of Box Branding Ideas

For your company to stand out the test of time, your consumers must trust your brand. Trust achieves loyal consumers and a business’s brand is liable for selling that brand. In today’s active world of marketing, business proprietors have become increasingly more familiar with the marketing capability of branding. However, most of them do not […]

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Why not make SEO your site’s best friend forever

The widest network in the world is the Internet which a maximum of the businesses depends on as their major source to conduct communication strategies. Nowadays 80% of industries are prevailing and upholding through the World Wide Web. Most of the achievement stories have a record of huge marketing struggles and marketing patterns have a […]

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Why say no to advertising when you can just Pay Per Click!

PAY PER CLICK- Doesn’t it sounds interesting? It not only sounds interesting but it is an interesting concept. If you haven’t heard about PPC and are very curious to know about it then this is the perfect article for you. In this article, will know all about the PPC concept! PPC services have become a […]

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Make Your Business The Talk Of The Digital World!

The digital world is growing at a fast-paced rate. It has become very important to make your brand identity and have an active online presence on social platforms. To make your brand stand out amidst all the noises and challenges on social media it is very important to make sure you have the perfect team […]

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Graphic Design – A Way To Turn Your Imagination Into Reality!

It is always said that don’t judge the book by its cover but most of the time you do judge a website by its designs! In the world of digital marketing, it is very important to make or create things that are both creative and eye-pleasing. Graphic design plays a very important role in building […]

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Seo- The Helping Hands To Your Websites

Every now and then new techniques, trends, and styles pop up in the digital world. Being in this digital world, it becomes of utmost importance to go hand in hand with these new trends and techniques. But What about staying a step ahead in this game? Search Engine Optimization, popularly known as SEO, can help […]

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Your Website Is The Window To Your Business

The first thing that we click to know about a company or business is its website. Website development is one of the top things that we need to take into consideration. If you are planning to run a successful business then an outdated website can’t be of any help. Change is constant, the internet world […]

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Top Digital marketing trends: Remove the FOMO

The power that this networking holds is truly a force to be reckoned with. With over 70% of the world’s population existing online, this place of the internet has truly become the Hubspot for all things trending. From buying toys to houses, online marketing trends have shown varied inclined results towards the profitability of the […]

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Essential Design Factors For Expanding Your Digital Business

The age of digitalization has taken over the world. According to the demographic values of Forbes, over 64% of the total world population, extensively uses social media platforms. This makes over 4 billion people, daily updating their indices over the resources of the internet. Quite crazy to sit back and think about how a few […]

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8 Practical Pointers To Increase Followers On Instagram

Instagram is now one of the best resources for building a brands identity and online presence. It smoothly drives profitable traffic to land pages, increases the conversion rate, and creates an engaged audience. Everything, a digital marketing strategy aspires to do is available on this single platform. Currently, Instagram accounts to over 1 billion active […]

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SEO vs. PPC: What’s the best choice

In the field of digital marketing, it all comes down to brand awareness and visibility. Both SEO and PPC are practical search engine marketing tools, but both provide highly varied results. Search engine optimization or SEO is associated with organic search engine results. This business practice considers its users as well as the search engines. […]

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Understanding Audience Search & Intent

To target an audience, it is very important to understand audience search intent. To understand this, first, you have to build an idea of the audience. In traditional marketing terms, an audience is a set of potential buyers. Whereas in digital marketing, the definition of an audience is a bit different. Here we use demographics, […]

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5 ways to secure your revenue during COVID-19 Pandemic

After a long phase of lockdown, our government has initiated the unlocking phase. We all have to admit that COVID-19 has shown us the darkest hour of our lives. The year 2020 has hit us hard by the worst recession. Be it a small or a big business, everyone is suffering through significant losses.

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