Brand Identity | Creative Solutions | Design Fix - Digital Puzzle

Design & Branding

Customer-centric design process to ensure maximum brand recall

With thousands of brands entering the market every day, the most surefire way to make your brand stick in the mind of a consumer is to create a strong brand identity. With clear communication of the product or service’s vision and an aesthetically pleasing visual palate, a lasting impact can be created on the customer.

Getting into the designer’s shoe

Brand Audit

We go the extra mile to understand what your brand is all about to create a visual identity that is not only stunning but makes you stand out. Our dedicated team maps out strategies involving the tone of voice, visual details etc – all to give your brand a complete facelift!

Mood Board Creation

After identifying what your brand truly stands for, our artists let their imagination run wild. They curate several mood boards with colours, patterns, textures of what the brand will look when live. The usual outcome is far from ordinary, it’s extraordinary!

Design Execution

The most exciting part for an and artist and the client alike. See your brand take shape when imagination takes shape of reality, when all the planning and discussion takes shape to give the final look of your brand

Brand Audit

Every brand aims to position itself distinctively to its existing and potential users. The catch lies in how differently we tell your story. We come in handy to solve this problem! Our experienced team goes all out in brainstorming sessions to carve out intricate strategies of how your brand looks and converses with its consumers.

An entire universe, specific to your brand, it’s target audience, it’s short term goals and sustenance plans are chalked out. Comprehensive research and analysis goes to make it relevant yet different from its competitors. Learnings from existing brands and an inherent business sense help make the process efficient with the least amount of trial and error.

An appealing brand with strong insights and visuals is sure to make a lasting impact on the audience. It comes with a significant recollect factor and that gives the brand an upper hand in this era of cut-throat competition.

Here’s Our Process for Design & Branding for Your Brand!

Find Out How!

Mood Board Creation

The part our enthusiastic designers look forward to the most. Sometimes words fall short to convey the idea or vision of a brand, a visual presentation becomes essential. A mood board is created to cohesively communicate all visual aspects of a brand.

To describe the artist’s representation of the brand, he or she uses a variety of images, textures, colours, materials to put forth the idea. This is a well planned and organised amalgamation of what the brand would stand for, how it would appear before the consumer.

Our passionate designers create a style exclusively for your brand. They use colour codes, fonts and trends that best suit the profile of your business. Mood boards are vital to define your brand identity.

Design Execution

Once the visual style of the brand is finalised, the mood board for that proposal is further refined. What was a broad representation of the plan, gets more focussed and meaningful in this process.

The final font, design components, colours and details get personalised to fit your brand. Be it logos, business cards, letterheads, invoices and social media presence – all these important brand elements are then refined, keeping in mind the common design space that resonates the brand identity.

The designers put their heart and soul into the final creation and with the final go-ahead, we make the project live, complete with the content and the visuals. Your brand is now ready to spread its wings and test the sky.