Tailored E-mail Marketing Solutions - Digital Puzzle

Email Marketing

Targeted in-mail advertising to generate maximum click-through

A highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending relevant information via email to a targeted list of potential or existing clients/customers – Email marketing has stood the test of time and how! Effective marketing emails convert prospects into customers and turn one-time buyers into loyal, raving fans. Despite the rise of social media and unsolicited spam email, email still remains the most effective way to nurture leads and turn them into customers.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

Target Audience

What can make or break an entire strategy of communication is the audience you are speaking to. Investing in a conversation with the right people is bound to be in your favour and we help you achieve exactly that. Through careful research and extensive feedback from you, we build a database of emails that comprise your best leads.


Emails are tricky sources of communication – our designers ensure that maximum brand information is effectively conveyed in the limited area. With research backed data, we create campaigns that attract eyeballs and have content that are click-bait worthy. Our goal is to deliver an interesting and intriguing output that will prompt the reader to know more and make it difficult to just scroll through.

Report Measurement

In this dynamic process, each email’s performance is scrutinised to check clickthrough rates and then A/B tested to provide better results. Having data at our disposal will help us assess the performance of the ongoing strategies and improve performance of the subsequent plans. It will not only help us save resources such as time, but also help in efficiently managing our finances.

Target Audience

“Everyone is not your customer” said the enthusiastic author and entrepreneur, Seth Godwin and we work by this rule. In order to increase sales, a lot of times businesses tend to contact people who may not be even remotely associated with the services they offer. A smarter move lies in understanding and identifying the target audience perfect for your brand and then designing communication strategies.

Inspite of a social media presence, generating regular emailers is essential for recall. Studies show that email beats all forms of marketing when it comes to ROI. But the first step is to create an email list. Our experts create this on the basis of the persona, the behaviour and then select the ideal profile for your business.

The difference also lies in the quality of research to fill in the gaps. With our hardworking team who leave no stone unturned to get the job done to your satisfaction, you can be at peace. We skim through profiles, add and delete personalities according to the brand. Once that is finalised, we move to the best step of creating meaningful communication.


As guilty as it may sound, most of us skip promotional mails. Here is where we step in. Our research and focus lies on making the dormant email an interesting touch that would add value to the consumer. Our team pitches to create content that is hard to miss.

With the right use of design elements and catchy copy, your target audience would look forward to your mails. We use ground breaking strategies to design interactive communication to generate maximum responses.

We also ensure that the emails are in tandem with the ongoing campaigns on various social media platforms. Dynamic content across digital spaces helps increase the engagement value and in turn results in increased sales.

Response Measurement

In the era of data driven marketing, it is necessary for regular performance measurement. Though this step has various aspects, the most important ones are on-mail KPIs and off-mail KPIs.

On-mail KPIs refer to the interaction of the user with the message. It encapsulates openings, click rates, bounces, subscriptions etc. Off-mail KPIs include measuring those channels which redirect the user to another webpage such as that of an e-commerce platform. It takes care of the volume of traffic, number of purchases etc.

We step in at every step to maximise your growth. Our efficient techies take care of all backend activities to provide us data and numbers from all important aspects and our strategists utilise the information to provide you the best of strategies.