Search Engine Marketing Agency | SEM Services - Digital Puzzle

Search Engine Optimization

Tailored content creation to maximise search visibility for your brand

The internet is bursting with a plethora of information. With each brand fighting to get noticed, we give you the upper hand, thanks to our SEO geeks! Our SEO service uses the latest tools, strategies, and trends to help you move up in the search engine ladder and get noticed by the right audience.

Decoding SEO in just 3 simple steps

Technical Site Audit

We examine your website and/or content to identify and eliminate any roadblock which prevents your website from ranking better.

Keyword and Content Optimization

We research, analyse, and curate the best keywords to drive back qualified traffic from search engine results to your website. Each piece of content on your website is improved for better communication and engagement. This makes your brand more appealing to the relevant audience.

Building Off-Page SEO

Brand mentions, whether a site URL or brand name mentioned on another site without a hyperlink, are an integral aspect of off-page SEO. If numerous, useful links point towards the content on your website, then search engines automatically recognise you as a valuable source of information. We help you get in the good books of Google, who wouldn’t want that?

Keyword Research and Analysis

The digital world is conversing at the speed of light and staying relevant in this conversation is a brand’s biggest success story. Our team understands the psyche of the targeted consumer, the tools they use, the language they converse in and the platforms for the communication to take place.

We identify the most popular words and phrases your target audience uses to interact with your brand and the competitors. An exhaustive keyword list is then created specifically for your brand. This can be a tedious task to undertake because people might use several ways to search for your brand. They could range from a single word to a phrase.
Since our goal is to make your brand appear in the top results, we leave no stone unturned to get it done. We also inspect keywords used by competing brands and other companies related to the service provided by you.

Technical Site Audit

After the website is up and ready, one needs to ensure that it is in good health. A technical Site Audit is key to your brand’s success. It is the evaluation of your website’s overall performance. Such audits can be of two types, first, how your website is ranked on search engines and second, if issues need to be resolved within your website, internally.

A site audit also entails examining the security of the website to ascertain it is at minimum risk of being susceptible to security breaches. This also safeguards valuable information of the visitors and the business.

We keep all the aspects of a site edit on our priority list to help your brand grow. We also keep a track of the visitors’ interaction, the time spent and what resulted in a successful goal conversion and what didn’t.

Keyword Optmization Includes

Keyword Research

During the keyword research phase, we’ll analyze hundreds of keyword variations to understand how your customers search Google to find products that fill their needs. We analyze things like keyword search volume (to know how often users are searching for your potential products) and keyword difficulty to know how hard it might be to compete with the competition.

Keyword Mapping

Once we have a solid grasp of the keywords your customers are using, we will map keywords to the specific pages on your site. This helps search engines know which page(s) need to rank for certain keyword phrases. This becomes the guiding document for optimizing the rest of the site in order to drive a considerable amount of organic search traffic to your website.

Keyword Targeting

Once we have a solid grasp of the keywords your customers are using, we will map keywords to the specific pages on your site. This helps search engines know which page(s) need to rank for certain keyword phrases. This becomes the guiding document for optimizing the rest of the site in order to drive a considerable amount of organic search traffic to your website.

Curating SEO-friendly Creative Content

Owning SEO content is equal to possessing the keys of Pandora’s box! It increases brand visibility, allows the consumer to make informed decisions, converts sales and the list is endless. Essentially, SEO helps to connect your brand with the consumer who is in need of the product/service offered by you. Since the web is home to millions of competitor brands, what gives you the edge is your unique, highly refined and extremely personalised content.

SEO provides trackable and quantifiable results that help you constantly update your communication strategy with ongoing trends. Well crafted content ensures that your brand is at the top in search results. This results in higher impressions and translates into better exposure of your brand.

We marry the vivid imagination of our writers with words from the SEO keyword list to create content that is not just technically sound, but also appeals to the audience. The brand’s storytelling then becomes more interesting and engaging. It generates a sense of trust within the reader’s mind with regards to your business and thus creates potential clients and retains the existing ones.


Optimising Off-Page SEO

When other sources mention your brand’s content often, it not only adds credibility to your business but also conveys the search engine that you are a provider of valuable information. It’s a win-win either way!

Backlinks are central to successful offsite SEO, be it a natural, manual or self created link, we help you stay at the top of your game. Natural links are the best rewards for a brand as these links are shared by people citing the brand without the brand being actually involved in the process. Conscious efforts go in building manual links where consumers or influencers mention the brand’s link. Self-created links use text that is optimised by the brand.

Though offsite SEO is less heard of, it is extremely crucial for a brand’s image and can often act as a game changer. We act as catalysts to develop your brand using the best-suited offsite SEO strategies.

Performance Analysis

An extremely critical step in the SEO process, measuring the outcome of strategies, audits etc, is beneficial for client retention and improving the perceived value of your brand. Proper functioning of all major checkpoints is essential and so is analysing the results.

We check whether the content impacted the desired number of people favourably, what led to visitors spending less time on the website, if the load time exceeded the usual time, if the rankings on search engines could be made better with better strategies.

The KPIs that we examine closely are the page speed, indexed paging for Google, bounce rate, conversion rate and the rankings. An overall inspection of these results in improved statistics and better performance of the brand.